Hey movie star!
Yes you! You are the star of your own movie. We all are.
view our movie and there are as many opinions of our movie as there are
people watching it. Only one opinion really matters.
Every moment, whether you are conscious of it or not, you are directing your movie.
You're calling the shots. No one else is in charge of how it rolls out. Just you.
only are your responsible for how the moving is created, you are the
star of the show. The script is created in the moment...very impromptu.
is the secret to creating an Oscar award winning flick. Know this
treasure of a tidbit: you are who you are NOW.
Yep. That's it.
You are
ONLY in this present moment. You really don’t exist anywhere else...not the past or the future. The present is the gift. (Interesting name.)
Bring your attention to what/when is real. It allows for a much more powerful character.
Every second we are deciding who we are, who we bring to our silver screen.
A skilled actor spends hours and hours researching and creating his character. How much time do most of us spend on consciously creating the character we have star in our movie?
In addition to the secret of only being in the present, there is a bonus.
It is impossible for us to be who we were, so let go of your story...yeah, your past.
Just let go of your past. You are not that person. You are who you are NOW.
me explain. Like frames of a film strip or movie, each frame is a
snapshot of a specific moment in time. Together those frames show
movement, but each frame has to stand alone...on its own integrity. If
you keep playing a frame from the past, it would appear as if there was
no movement. You have not changed. Boring movie....rotten tomatoes!
let the dynamic force of your filmstrip fall stagnant. Break the bonds of "always have" and "should". Make a conscious
choice in every moment to embody the full force of your highest
Do you feel good about who you are in this moment? You are the director. Make it so!