Monday, March 5, 2012


Some of us are more funky than others.
There are those that are comfortable in their funk, and why not?  They know what to expect and it seems just plain easier to stay put.
Being in a funk might last years or only a few minutes. What makes it change?

We have all heard that it takes more muscles to frown than to smile.
What if...what if it took more energy to be negative than positive?
Sure you could argue that gravity helps you to frown and perhaps the downward spiral we find ourselves in when we are consistently negative works the same way with our thoughts.

Now, remember a time when you were down and suddenly something positive happened (actually remember at this point...right here). It might have been a phone call a smile from a cashier, or it could have just been a happy thought...and it made you smile.

All of a sudden you had a little more energy than before. All of a sudden your dusty gray day started to come alive and colors popped out that you forgot were there. Remember the beauty and the transforming magic of a "just a thought."

I dare you to save some energy and smile.
Love it!

1 comment:

  1. There ya go "Thoughts Become Things- choose good ones!"
